We provide smart design, backed by right technologies.

We are focused on delivering optimal user experience across all platforms and devices. Using modern tools and workflows, such as user-flows, Lo-Fi & Hi-Fi wireframes, all the way to the functional prototypes, we craft beautiful digital experiences.

Design process story

Research and market analysis, user flows, design, and prototyping make for pieces of the creative puzzle that defines your final product. Fast performance, clean visual style, and ease of use are crucial elements of every product we design.

It is all about researching and understanding our clients and their users, focusing on solving their problems, crafting an innovative idea and creating a functionally and visually outstanding product.

Two project managers walking inside the Mono building
Product Design Process

Initial design research

The first phase is defining the essentials — target audience and user needs, the desired position and role in the market, and the way to fit into the competitive landscape. Throughout the discovery process, we will define, analyze, evaluate, and research relevant sources and audiences to create the base for experience design. This is followed by creating first crude prototypes that go through a series of user experience and technical quality tests.

UX and UI design

This step involves defining the aesthetics and the visual language of the project. The end product of this phase is a set of high-resolution mockups of the interface and its elements as a style guide. It defines all the necessary modules of the interface, simulates their states and behavior and provides a base for scaling up the project without losing its visual and structural integrity.

Functional prototype

The final result of the design process is a working prototype of the interface. It is a high-quality, live-user interface, including all the accompanying resources. It is the foundation for further product development.

Test & iterate

Testing and designing is an ongoing process, which is the key to securing that the final product, as well as all the design elements of a system, which is all user-centered, are a success - an innovative and functional product.
latest shots

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Mono blog blog illustrations

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Osijek Taxi Redesign

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Deep learning — UI case study card

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Lost in space — 404 exploration

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Pools — UI exploration

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Isometric map application

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Clokke - time tracker mascot

Take your product to the next level.

Talk to us about your product design. Our design team will have some ideas or expert advice on how to do it.

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